Wednesday 25 November 2009

Pimples Under The Skin - Alternative Ways To Get Rid Of Them

Pimples under the skin are often the hardest to get rid of, usually after squeezing or popping a regular pimple it starts to heal and go away. But with pimples that are deeply embedded into the skin it is a different story. So how do you really get rid of pimples under the skin?

1. Applying a cloth with hot water on over the pimple can bring up the impurities to the surface and can be popped like a regular pimple. This may take time, don't expect the pimple to form a head straight away. Wait a few hours and see how things go.

2. Add some benzoyl peroxide to the surface of the pimple before you go to bed and overnight the pimple should become ready to be extracted. Benzoyl peroxide works by killing the oxygen in the pore so the bacteria which is living in the pore dies too because it needs oxygen to live. Benzoyl peroxide can help stop breakouts before they start.

3. Leave the pimple alone, it might not be ready to blossom yet. By leaving the pimple to grow it should come to a head, poking or picking at the pimple when there is no pus to come out of the pore will only end in scarring.

4. If these pimples seem to persist you should always visit your doctor, because you could be suffering from cystic acne which is a very strong form of acne not usually treatable by just popping the pimple. But the good news is there is a lot of treatments the doctor can give you to help cure your acne.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Pimples Under The skin

Pimples under the skin are regularly refereed to as cysts which is the most severe form of acne. You can tell it is cystic acne which is often named nodulocystic acne because they go deep into the skin. Cystic acne is on of the rarer forms of acne, although not uncommon it is the form of acne which develops later into scaring which can also cause a another problem.

The scars often look like red patches all over the skin and are hard to get rid of when on the body but respond better to treatment when one the face. These scars are called "pseudo scars" because they are not a real scar, they only last up to six months. So even if the cyst has disappeared you will still be left with a reminder each day, Because the scars look like the cyst in color and texture. But if you don't not get the right treatment for your acne the scaring could be permanent.

Isotretinoin is a usual treatment used to cure pimples under the skin, but isotretinion is more commonly called as Accutane. This cure was first used in the 1930's creating a noticeable decrease in sebum production. How it works is by killing diving cells which are the resons you get cystic acne, it is also used to treat some cancers such as brain cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Isotretinoin is usually prescribed when no other acne solutions produces results such as use of benzoyl peroxide. Rules are very high when trying to get hold of this drug and can only be prescribed by a dermatologist because cystic acne can sometimes cause permanent scaring in a small amount of time.

Adverse effects to taking isotretinoin are dry skin, eye irritation, mild acne flare ups, back pain or more rare inflammatory bowel disease, depression and psychosis. If used whilst pregnant it will most likely cause birth defects, so it is not recommended if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Or maybe you would like a natural acne treatment